IT Audit and IT Maintenance


Proactivity Creates Predictability

An IT audit helps ensure your business’s IT infrastructure, documentation, and backups are up-to-date and functioning correctly. Worry less about IT problems, viruses, network security, and updates. Next7 IT helps prevent show-stopping IT issues with our meticulous IT maintenance and auditing service.

Why Our Proactive Process Is Different

At Next7 IT, we do things differently. Our IT audit and IT maintenance services do more than just assess your organization’s IT infrastructure; we also want to improve your teams’ security and productivity, too. Not just remotely – our experts will make regular physical visits, update your IT infrastructure, and perform backup verification to confirm they are working before you need them.

Best Practice IT Audits

Every quarter, our team conducts comprehensive IT audits of over 350 best practices, which include crucial IT security and reliability checks. We aim to improve your team’s productivity and IT security by proactively identifying potential risks you may not have been aware of and discussing what makes sense for your organization.

Onsite Proactive IT Service Visits

Beyond remote support, we believe in the value of a physical presence. Every quarter, our experts visit your site to update documentation, take pictures, talk to your team, and look for ways to prevent problems. This allows us to spot potential issues before they escalate and understand your IT environment’s unique nuances.


Infrastructure Firmware Updates

Technology is ever-evolving, and so are we. Every quarter, we update your infrastructure firmware to the latest and most secure versions. This proactive measure increases the performance and security of your IT systems so you can avoid breaches caused by failing to update.


Proactive IT Threat Response

In today’s world, threats can emerge overnight. We’re always on the lookout. By staying updated with the latest threat intelligence, we can respond proactively, helping to ensure that your systems remain uncompromised and your data stays secure.


Backup Verification for Peace of Mind

Backups are your safety net, but how sure are you when your business is riding on their availability? We don’t leave it to chance. Regular backup testing helps ensure your data can be swiftly and fully recovered during a crisis.

Part of Our Comprehensive Managed IT Services Solution

We know IT audits are important. Not only does an IT audit help your business ensure your assets are secure and updated, it also highlights potential risk or vulnerabilities in your system. By maintaining privacy, security compliance measures, and locating inefficiencies in your IT process, Next7 IT can help your business run more effectively. Our proactive approach is what makes us unique. Beyond IT audit and IT maintenance services, we also include these managed IT services solutions:

vCIO Strategy & IT Planning vCIO Strategy & IT Planning

Help Desk IT Support Help Desk IT Support

IT Security & Monitoring Tools IT Security & Monitoring Tools

Professional Services & Projects IT Consulting & Projects


Experience the Peace of Mind that Comes with Proactivity

Why wait for problems to arise? With our proactive IT audit and IT maintenance services, ensure that your IT systems are always a step ahead. Contact us below to elevate your IT support in the Pittsburgh area.