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Category: IT Security

Best Of
Kegan Mooney

The Best Project Management Tools

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the best project management tools have become an essential everyday tool for organizations aiming to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and ensure projects are completed in a timely manner. One of the best ways to ensure your projects run smoothly is with the use of project

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2024 Winner of Channel Futures MSP 501 Award
Don Houk

Next7 IT Globally Ranked on the Channel Futures 2024 MSP501

Next7 IT has been named one of the world’s top-performing managed service providers in the 2024 Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings. The list, a technology industry benchmark, ranks companies based on their growth, profitability, and innovation. For the past 17 years, managed service providers around the globe have submitted applications

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Kegan Mooney

The Best Google Chrome Extensions for Productivity in 2024

If you’re looking to increase your productivity, picking one or more of the best Google Chrome extensions can not only help increase your productivity but also help you stay focused on the task at hand. Google Chrome is currently the world’s most-used web browser, this is partly due to its

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a person typing on a laptop
Kegan Mooney

How AI Can Help Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that businesses can use to help revolutionize the way they operate. By leveraging AI, businesses can enhance efficiency, improve decision-making, and gain a competitive edge. However, don’t over-rely on AI. It can be wrong. If you are using it to write, people can

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Best Software
Kegan Mooney

The Best Productivity Apps 2024

If you find yourself struggling to hit deadlines and manage your busy schedule, it might be time to take a look at some of the best productivity apps to help you manage your workload. Staying productive is more crucial than ever. Thankfully, there is a wide range of digital tools

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

Malware Statistics 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

As technology advances, so does the threat landscape, with malware evolving into a significant concern for organizations globally. With a staggering 560,000 new malware instances detected daily and over 1 billion already in circulation, the challenge to secure systems is more pressing than ever. The malware statistics in 2024 are

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

Malware Statistics 2024: A Comprehensive Overview

As technology advances, so does the threat landscape, with malware evolving into a significant concern for organizations globally. With a staggering 560,000 new malware instances detected daily and over 1 billion already in circulation, the challenge to secure systems is more pressing than ever. The malware statistics in 2024 are

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

Understanding Ransomware Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Ransomware is one of the most devastating forms of cyber security threats you can face. Ransomware is an invasive malware that prevents a user from accessing their device, and all the data stored on it. Unlike some malware, if you’ve been targeted by a ransomware attack you will know it. Not

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

What Are DDoS Attacks and How to Protect Yourself From Them

In today’s digital world, where everyone is connected through the digital landscape, there is an ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks. One of the most damaging cyberattacks is the DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack. But what exactly is a DDoS attack, how can it affect your small business, and more importantly, what can

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

What Are Phishing Attacks and How to Prevent Them

It’s unfortunately become fairly common practice for attackers to prey on their victims through the use of cybercrime. One of the most popular forms of attack is phishing. Attackers, posing as legitimate individuals or companies, will attempt to obtain sensitive information like your username, password, credit card information, and more,

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IT Security
Don Houk

That “Wrong Number” Text Is a Scam! Don’t Respond to It

Chances are that you’ve gotten a “wrong number” text in the last year or two. While this looks like an innocent mistake, it’s actually the start of a long scam that has resulted in millions of lost dollars from victims. Let’s step through what happens if you respond to a

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

Should You Use Employee Monitoring?

In an era where remote work is becoming increasingly popular, businesses are exploring various tools and strategies to ensure productivity and security. Employee monitoring software and computer monitoring services have emerged as popular solutions, but should you use employee monitoring or not? There are several benefits to employee monitoring, as

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IT Security
Don Houk

What Are Passkeys and How Can They Replace Passwords?

A lot of security concerns revolve around passwords because of their many weaknesses. However, we may be headed towards a future where such attacks are largely a memory. This is thanks to passkeys, a new type of authentication that sidesteps many problems of passwords while also offering incredible convenience. Let’s

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IT Security
Don Houk

What Is Simjacking and How Can You Stay Safe?

Simjacking is a growing threat that results in major problems for its victims. It’s important for you to understand how this attack works and what you can do to protect yourself from this type of account fraud. What Is Simjacking? Simjacking, also called SIM swapping, is a way for attackers

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IT Security
Don Houk

Which Two-Factor Authentication Method Is Best?

While two-factor authentication is a vital step for improving account security, you’ve likely noticed that there are a variety of options for this. But which are the best? It depends on the scenario and the balance of security and convenience you’re looking for. Let’s consider some common forms of secondary

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