Understanding Ransomware Attacks and How to Prevent Them


Ransomware is one of the most devastating forms of cyber security threats you can face. Ransomware is an invasive malware that prevents a user from accessing their device, and all the data stored on it.

Unlike some malware, if you’ve been targeted by a ransomware attack you will know it. Not only will the victim’s device be locked up, but it will often display a ransom screen giving the user instructions on what they need to do to unlock their device, which in most cases requests sending money or cryptocurrency to restore the infected device.

In some cases, the ransom note may even threaten to leak sensitive data from your device. In the case of a simple ransomware attack, this isn’t likely, however, in the case of a multiple-extortion ransomware attack, your data could potentially be leaked.

How Does Ransomware Lock Down Your Computer and Files

Ransomware is a form of malicious software designed to encrypt files or lock users out of their systems, rendering data inaccessible.

Ransomware is most commonly spread through phishing emails, malicious links, or vulnerabilities in software. Once the malware is on your computer, it will quickly encrypt data on the target device, rendering it unusable.

Main Types of Ransomware

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just being infected by ransomware, there are multiple types of ransomware that can affect you, and depending on which one your device is infected with will depend on the steps you need to take to remove the infection.

Crypto Ransomware

A crypto ransomware attack is one of the most common types of ransomware. It works by encrypting files on the victim’s computer until a ransom is paid, or the victim removes the malware.

Locker Ransomware

The locker ransomware is one of the scariest types of ransomware a victim can face. Not only will the victim not be able to access any of their files, they will be completely locked out of their computer.


A scareware attack is much less invasive, but can still cause financial damage and should be dealt with as soon as it’s identified. Scareware falsely claims that malware has been detected on the victim’s system, coercing them into paying for unnecessary services.

How to Protect Yourself Against Ransomware Attacks

If you’ve not yet fallen victim to a ransomware attack there are some preventive measures you can put in place to protect yourself, your data, and your company.

Take Regular Offsite Backups

Since ransomware can lock you out of your computer, or block you from accessing certain files, it’s always a good idea to keep offsite backups.

Make sure to keep backups running on a regular basis, so that if you are attacked, you will still be able to access your sensitive data. You can run the backups to an external device, cloud or even use a managed IT service to help you perform and test your backups in the correct manner.

Managed IT Services

Keep Software Up-to-Date

Keeping your operating system and other software up-to-date is one of the best ways to ensure you remain protected against ransomware attacks.

If you are using a Windows device updates may include security patches that can help prevent you from becoming a victim of ransomware or any other type of malware.

Having specialists perform proactive IT maintenance and auditing can help identify any vulnerabilities and patch them up before they become a problem.

IT Maintenance & Auditing Services

IT Security & Monitoring Tools

Using the correct security tools and having real-time monitoring in place can help you identify any potential threats before they become a problem.

Real-time monitoring constantly works to detect anomalies within your system, helping you to identify any potential threats before they become a bigger issue.

There are plenty of other tools at our disposal that we can use to protect, monitor, and eradicate any security threats to your devices and network. Contact us today to see how we can help keep you safe from ransomware.

IT Security & Monitoring Services

Hire Help Desk IT Support

Not only can IT help desk teams help you to reduce the likelihood of malware and ransomware attacks, but they can also be on hand to assist should you fall victim to a ransomware attack.

A good dedicated help desk team will be able to put IT strategies in place to help reduce the chances of an attack, as well as reducing the damage and any downtime caused by an attack.

IT Help Desk Services

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) focuses on detecting and protecting against endpoint security threats. EDR solutions can be used to protect devices such as laptops, desktops, and even networks to help reduce the chances or impact of security threats such as ransomware attacks.

EDR protection can not only help identify and protect you and your business against potential threats, it can also offer real-time monitoring, ensuring that you are ready to protect your systems the second a threat is detected.

Get EDR Protection

Employee Training

Educating employees about phishing emails and other social engineering tactics used by attackers can help prevent the chances of ransomware attacks by arming employees with the right knowledge to keep themselves, the company, and their data safe from attacks.

DNS Filtering

DNS filtering operates at the network level, making it effective in protecting all devices connected to a network. This is particularly useful for organizations where multiple devices are connected, as it provides a centralized and consistent defense.

DNS filtering systems maintain a database of known malicious domains and blocks access to them, reducing the chances of malicious files making it through the network and offering better protection against ransomware and malware.

How to Deal With Ransomware

There are some steps you can take to remove ransomware from an infected device, however, these require some technical know-how which might be problematic for some.

If you’ve been infected by ransomware, you can attempt to remove it yourself or seek help from professionals.

Ransomware FAQs

Should I Pay a Ransomware Attacker?

The simple answer to this is no. Even if you pay the ransom there is no guarantee that the device will be unlocked and the files restored.

In many cases, ransomware attackers have been known to ask for more money, even after the ransom has been paid. You could also paint a target on your back by paying, labeling you and your business as easy targets.

Can Ransomware Pass Through a Network?

Unfortunately, once ransomware has made its way onto a device connected to your network, it is possible that the ransomware could then spread across the network, infecting more devices and causing more damage, including financial damage.

Does a VPN Protect You From Ransomware?

It’s a common myth that a VPN will protect you from ransomware and other malicious viruses, but sadly it’s not the case, you can still fall victim to ransomware even if you are using a VPN.

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