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How to Find Windows Dump Files on Windows 11

Are you fed up with seeing the notorious BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)? Thankfully every time you see that dreaded blue screen, it creates Windows dump files that offers some insight into what is wrong with your PC. The only issue is, Windows 11 doesn’t make it obvious where to

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How to Roll Back Windows Updates in Windows 11

Sometimes it can be necessary to roll back a Windows update, this might be due to compatibility issues, or the update simply added a feature that’s causing you trouble. However, it’s important to first make sure that rolling back the update won’t cause you any security problems, leaving you vulnerable

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Ethernet Cables Explained: Choosing the Right RJ45 Standard

When it comes to networking, the RJ45 Ethernet cable acts as the backbone for transmitting data between devices. However, not all Ethernet cables are created equally, newer Ethernet standards offer much quicker data transfer rates, but at a higher price. But what is the difference between Ethernet standards, and is

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How to Calibrate HDR in Windows 11

If you’ve got a HDR capable display, you’re going to want to ensure you’re making the most out of it, and that often includes calibrating HDR in Windows 11 to make sure you are getting the best visual experience possible. Enabling HDR in Windows 11 Before you calibrate HDR, you

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IT Security
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Understanding Ransomware Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Ransomware is one of the most devastating forms of cyber security threats you can face. Ransomware is an invasive malware that prevents a user from accessing their device, and all the data stored on it. Unlike some malware, if you’ve been targeted by a ransomware attack you will know it. Not

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IT Security
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What Are DDoS Attacks and How to Protect Yourself From Them

In today’s digital world, where everyone is connected through the digital landscape, there is an ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks. One of the most damaging cyberattacks is the DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack. But what exactly is a DDoS attack, how can it affect your small business, and more importantly, what can

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