How to Keep Your Files Safe When Using Cloud Storage
If you store files in a cloud storage service, whether for business or personal use, you should be aware of ways to keep those files secure. While cloud storage is convenient and mostly safe, there are always risks when storing files on someone else’s server. Let’s look at some practical ways to keep cloud storage […]
Dropbox’s Smart Sync Makes the Service Even Better
Dropbox is a popular file syncing tool that offers great value for businesses. With it, you don’t need to email files back and forth, and employees in the same department can easily access shared resources. But one of the drawbacks of Dropbox is that keeping all those files on your PC takes up space. To […]
How Cloud Computing Has Changed the Modern Workplace
Recently, we took a look at what “the cloud” really is. While it’s regularly used as a marketing buzzword, cloud computing really has changed the face of the workplace for hundreds of thousands of people. Today, we’ll take a look at some major ways that cloud computing has enabled all-new methods of working and processing […]
What Does Cloud Computing Really Mean?
All over the tech sphere, you’ll hear the terms “cloud computing” and “the cloud.” Marketing companies have seized these terms and turned them into buzzwords almost devoid of meaning. Let’s clear up what “the cloud” actually means and how it affects modern computing. Don’t worry — it’s not as complex as it might seem. Defining […]
What Value Does Dropbox Offer Your Business?
With the advent of “the cloud” and new ways of working in business, you’ve probably heard one name more than any other — Dropbox. For years, Dropbox has established itself as the standard file-sharing software. Though many fine alternatives are available, such as Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox is regularly the leader. Let’s take […]
How IT Service Boosts Your Cloud Computing
For years, an IT person has been a required role in a company. Though an IT team always beats one worker flying solo, your business almost certainly gets IT support in some capacity. However, with the rise of working in the “cloud,” the idea of needing an IT person may have fallen out of favor […]
How You Should Respond to the Dropbox Hack
Four years ago, Dropbox was hacked. At the time, public information said that only email addresses were stolen. We now know a copy of users’ encrypted passwords were also taken. Knowing that your information could be compromised, what should you do to protect yourself? Since the stolen passwords were appropriately encrypted, instead of the hackers seeing […]
5 Things Your Business Needs to Know about the Cloud
There are a lot of discussions around the “Cloud”. But what does this really mean to the average business? Should you even care? Some say everything should be cloud-based, while others believe it might be overkill for the average small business. Here are 5 things you need to know about the Cloud. 1. The Cloud […]