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Category: IT Security

Don Houk

Understanding Background App Refresh on Your iPhone

If you have an iPhone, you should know about the Background App Refresh setting and how it affects apps on your device. Let’s take a look at this option, including what it does and how to tweak it. What Is Background App Refresh? Background App Refresh is the name of

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Business Intelligence
Don Houk

Exploring the Strange Y2K22 Bug

For most people, the Y2K bug is a relic of the past. But a glitch in onsite Microsoft Exchange servers brought back memories of the infamous issue as 2022 started. Let’s look at what happened with this bug and see what we can learn from it. Y2K22 Explained When the

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Don Houk

What You Should Know About Microsoft 365’s New Pricing

Before long, the pricing for Microsoft 365’s business plans is set to increase. The company released a blog post about this in August 2021, and the changes are taking effect soon. Let’s review the pricing increase for Microsoft 365 and see how the service has evolved since its release to

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IT Security
Don Houk

How to Recognize and Understand Dark Patterns

Even if you’ve never heard the term “dark pattern,” you’ve certainly come across some online. These psychological tricks are used by all kinds of services to influence your decisions and make you take actions that you might not otherwise. Let’s see what dark patterns are and some forms they commonly

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Axe in tree stump
IT Security
Don Houk

Examining the Terrible Log4j Vulnerability

After several high-profile incidents in 2021, yet another software vulnerability has been brought to light just a few weeks before the end of the year. And not only is this the worst one yet, but it could have ramifications that stretch far into the future. Below, we examine the Log4j

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Phone with question mark
IT Security
Don Houk

Use Spotlight Search to Save Time on Your iPhone

Your iPhone is pretty easy to navigate, but if you haven’t used Spotlight search to get around even faster, then you’re missing out on an important feature. Let’s look at what searching with Spotlight can do on your iPhone (or iPad), and why every iPhone user should be familiar with

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How Was the Internet Attacked in October 2016?

On October 21, computer users in the United States experienced widespread issues when trying to access a variety of websites. Those on the East Coast had the most problems, as websites like Twitter, PayPal, Spotify, and GitHub were all unreachable for several hours. What caused this outage was a DDoS

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How You Should Respond to the Dropbox Hack

Four years ago, Dropbox was hacked. At the time, public information said that only email addresses were stolen. We now know a copy of users’ encrypted passwords were also taken. Knowing that your information could be compromised, what should you do to protect yourself? Since the stolen passwords were appropriately encrypted,

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Why Using Windows XP Is Not a Safe Option

On April 8, 2014, Microsoft ended support for Windows XP. This means that although the operating system (OS) continues to function, it isn’t receiving any security patches or other important updates from Microsoft. You would think that most businesses would have jumped ship to a newer OS to avoid working

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IT Security
Don Houk

How to Improve Security with Two-Factor Authentication

In today’s ever-connected world, security is of paramount importance. With both personal and business data being vulnerable to attack, sometimes just using a strong password isn’t good enough to keep you secure. There are tons of security threats online these days, such as Ransomware attacks, DDoS attacks, Phishing attacks, and

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IT Security
Don Houk

Why Password Security is Not Optional

Nearly every day you hear another story about a company whose network was attacked, and the Cloud Security Alliance just reported that around 22% of businesses that suffered a data breach happened because of compromised credentials. We know that password strength is incredibly important, yet people still use weak passwords

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