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Category: IT Security

IT Security
Kegan Mooney

What Are Phishing Attacks and How to Prevent Them

It’s unfortunately become fairly common practice for attackers to prey on their victims through the use of cybercrime. One of the most popular forms of attack is phishing. Attackers, posing as legitimate individuals or companies, will attempt to obtain sensitive information like your username, password, credit card information, and more,

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IT Security
Don Houk

That “Wrong Number” Text Is a Scam! Don’t Respond to It

Chances are that you’ve gotten a “wrong number” text in the last year or two. While this looks like an innocent mistake, it’s actually the start of a long scam that has resulted in millions of lost dollars from victims. Let’s step through what happens if you respond to a

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IT Security
Kegan Mooney

Should You Use Employee Monitoring?

In an era where remote work is becoming increasingly popular, businesses are exploring various tools and strategies to ensure productivity and security. Employee monitoring software and computer monitoring services have emerged as popular solutions, but should you use employee monitoring or not? There are several benefits to employee monitoring, as

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IT Security
Don Houk

What Are Passkeys and How Can They Replace Passwords?

A lot of security concerns revolve around passwords because of their many weaknesses. However, we may be headed towards a future where such attacks are largely a memory. This is thanks to passkeys, a new type of authentication that sidesteps many problems of passwords while also offering incredible convenience. Let’s

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IT Security
Don Houk

What Is Simjacking and How Can You Stay Safe?

Simjacking is a growing threat that results in major problems for its victims. It’s important for you to understand how this attack works and what you can do to protect yourself from this type of account fraud. What Is Simjacking? Simjacking, also called SIM swapping, is a way for attackers

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IT Security
Don Houk

6 Ways to Spot a Potentially Dangerous Website

Much of the time, it’s not hard to tell if you’re on a safe website or a dangerous one. However, for instances when you’re not certain, it helps to have ways to test if a site is safe or not. Below are some metrics you can use to determine if

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IT Security
Don Houk

How to Recognize and Understand Dark Patterns

Even if you’ve never heard the term “dark pattern,” you’ve certainly come across some online. These psychological tricks are used by all kinds of services to influence your decisions and make you take actions that you might not otherwise. Let’s see what dark patterns are and some forms they commonly

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Axe in tree stump
IT Security
Don Houk

Examining the Terrible Log4j Vulnerability

After several high-profile incidents in 2021, yet another software vulnerability has been brought to light just a few weeks before the end of the year. And not only is this the worst one yet, but it could have ramifications that stretch far into the future. Below, we examine the Log4j

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Phone with question mark
IT Security
Don Houk

Use Spotlight Search to Save Time on Your iPhone

Your iPhone is pretty easy to navigate, but if you haven’t used Spotlight search to get around even faster, then you’re missing out on an important feature. Let’s look at what searching with Spotlight can do on your iPhone (or iPad), and why every iPhone user should be familiar with

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Keys in hand
IT Security
Don Houk

How to Keep Your Microsoft 365 Account Secure

If your company uses Microsoft 365 for email, Office apps, and other services, it’s important to make sure your Microsoft account is protected. There’s a lot of information behind it that you don’t want outside parties to access. Let’s go over some of the ways to increase the strength of

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IT Security
Don Houk

How to Securely Share Your 1Password Passwords With Anyone

You hopefully use a password manager to store your passwords, notes, and other information securely. But a problem still arises when you want to share a password with someone else, especially if they don’t use the same password manager service as you. It’s not safe to share a password through

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IT Security
Don Houk

Why You Should Be Careful About the Browser Extensions You Use

Browser extensions are a handy way to add more functionality to your favorite browser. And while there are a ton of them available, it’s wise to exercise restraint in what you install. Let’s take a look at why you should be careful with browser extensions, and the potential risks they

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