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5 Great Microsoft Word Tips for Better Productivity

Many people use Microsoft Word every day for their job or personal tasks, but few take advantage of its depth of features. If you use Word all the time, it pays to know the most useful tricks to get more out of it. Below are some tips to help make

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Meet DuckDuckGo, the Private Alternative to Google

There’s no question that Google is the most popular search engine by a mile. It hovers around 90% usage share, making other engines like Bing and Yahoo nearly irrelevant. But while Google powerful, it isn’t perfect. One of the biggest criticisms of the service is how much data Google collects

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3 Important Safety Tips When Using Public Computers

Between laptops, smartphones, and tablets, you probably get online with your own devices most of the time. But at times, you might have to use a public computer. Maybe your phone’s battery died, your laptop won’t connect to the Wi-Fi, or you run into some other problem. Next time you

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How Do Websites Keep Your Password Secure?

Every website you create an account with requires at least a username and password. Since passwords are sensitive information, what measures do websites take to make sure your password doesn’t fall into the wrong hands? As it turns out, this is an important topic because of the security breaches that

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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Single Sign-On

Single sign-on is a handy access control feature offered by a lot of services and websites. It certainly provides convenience and has benefits for both users and administrators, but there are some drawbacks to consider too. Let’s take a look at what single sign-on is and some reasons for and

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Why You Should Use a Password Manager Like 1Password

Passwords protect every account, from email, to banking, social media, and more. It’s thus vital to do everything you can to make sure you use strong passwords that don’t fall into the wrong hands. We’ve looked before at the importance of password security and mentioned that everyone should use a

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