A Microsoft Outlook Exploit Is 2023’s Worst Security Flaw So Far


One of the first major security vulnerabilities of 2023 has hit, and it’s a massive one. This Outlook exploit allows remote attackers to steal a user’s Windows password by simply sending them an email. Let’s review what this exploit does, why it’s so dangerous, and what we’ve done to protect our clients. The Outlook Exploit […]

How to Fight Junk Mail in Outlook and Gmail

Junk mail, also known as spam, is a big annoyance. Whether it’s advertisements you never signed up for, poorly-worded scams promising you millions, or inappropriate content, nobody wants it in their inbox. Though both Gmail and Outlook’s built-in spam detection is excellent, sometimes junk mail will slip through. Here’s how to block junk in both […]

How to Reduce Incoming Email to Tidy Your Inbox

Most people receive much more email than they want or need. If you’ve read our guide on customizing Outlook for better productivity, you know that reducing distractions is one of the most important ways handle email more efficiently. Let’s discuss ways to reduce the amount of email you receive. 1. Use the Built-in Unsubscribe Functions […]

How to Customize Outlook For Greater Productivity

Everyone uses email in the workplace these days, and it drives nearly everyone crazy. You probably receive hundreds of email messages every day. Left unchecked, this barrage of email can take over your day and reduce your productivity. Thankfully, with some adjustments you can prevent that from happening. Let’s take a look at some specific […]

5 Dangerous Types of Emails You Should Watch For

One of the most common types of computer scams is phishing — an attempt to steal someone’s personal information by pretending to be a legitimate entity. Typically, these phishing attacks come via email. While laughably obvious email scams have dropped in popularity, new forms are even harder to detect. Everyone should know how to spot […]

6 Email Formatting Tips for Better Communication

In the course of a regular business day. you probably send dozens of emails. Email has become so common that many people don’t always think about what they’re sending. Taking the extra time to apply proper email formatting can make you a better business communicator. Let’s review a few tips that will make your emails […]

How to Automatically Download Pictures in Outlook


If you find that you’re frequently getting flooded with emails, the last thing you want is to have to deal with manually downloading images. Thankfully there is a way to change Outlook’s settings, letting you automatically download images, and taking out the hassle of doing it yourself. Although it’s worth remembering that the setting is […]