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Category: Business Intelligence

IT Security
Don Houk

Which Two-Factor Authentication Method Is Best?

While two-factor authentication is a vital step for improving account security, you’ve likely noticed that there are a variety of options for this. But which are the best? It depends on the scenario and the balance of security and convenience you’re looking for. Let’s consider some common forms of secondary

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IT Security
Don Houk

Microsoft Azure AD’s New Settings Push Greater Security

If your company uses Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) to manage its users, a new option for admins will push greater security onto your users. Let’s take a look at what this means and how this setting works. Microsoft Gets More Secure We’ve discussed before how a password

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Don Houk

What Is ChatGPT and How Can Small Businesses Utilize It?

Chances are that you’ve at least heard of ChatGPT since it went explosively viral in late 2022. This AI chat tool has a wide range of skills and has the potential to change the landscape of many industries, but what can you do to leverage it for your business? Let’s

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IT Security
Don Houk

How QR Codes Are Used in a New Phishing Attack

In mid-August 2023, security company Cofense published a report detailing a new string of phishing attacks against an otherwise-unnamed “major Energy company based in the US”. These attacks rely on the use of a QR code, which is not a particularly popular method for such schemes. Let’s look at the

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Don Houk

Next7 IT Named Among the Top 501 MSPs in the World

We are pleased to announce that Next7 IT has ranked on Channel Futures 2023 MSP 501, the tech industry’s most prestigious list of managed service providers worldwide. Next7 IT gained an envious position on this list due to our technical talent, growth-oriented business models, and strategic partnerships with industry-leading vendors

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Business Intelligence
Don Houk

Google Trends Shows You What the World Searches For

It’s difficult to comprehend the amount of data that Google processes every day. While you almost certainly rely on Google for getting information online, did you know that Google provides a tool that lets you analyze what other people search for? This service is Google Trends, a free tool that

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CPU 32-64 Bit Featured
Business Intelligence
Don Houk

What Does 64-Bit and 32-Bit Mean for Your Computer?

Chances are that when downloading software or poking around in your computer’s settings menu, you’ve seen the terms 32-bit and 64-bit. But what do these terms mean, and how do they affect your computer? When installing or reinstalling Windows 10 or Windows 11, you will be asked if you want

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Business Intelligence
Don Houk

How to Copy and Paste Text Without Any Formatting

Copying and pasting are one of the best time-saving functions of a computer. But this comes with a common problem: the pasted text retains its original formatting, which you often don’t want. Thankfully, it’s not hard to get around this. We’ll show you how to copy and paste without bringing

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Business Intelligence
Don Houk

What Is 5G Internet, and What Does It Mean for Business?

Chances are that you’ve seen mention of 5G internet connections in the news, on TV commercials, or from your phone carrier. But what does 5G actually mean? Let’s find out. We’ll look at what 5G is and how it will affect the internet, what it’s capable of, and what it

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Business Intelligence
Don Houk

5 Signs That You Should Replace Your Computer

No computer lasts forever. Even a machine that was top-of-the-line when you bought it eventually reaches a point where it’s not worth keeping anymore. But how do you know when it’s time to replace your old device? We’re here to help you identify some warning signs that your computer is

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Why Does Restarting Your Computer Fix Problems?

Chances are that when you seek any kind of technical help, the first question you’ll hear is “Did you try rebooting?” While this has become so common that some people scoff at it, restarting really does fix a multitude of computer issues. But have you ever wondered why this is

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What Is an IP Address and What Are They For?

IP address is a common computer term that you may have heard but don’t fully understand. They’re a vital part of how the web works, so knowing a little about what they do can help you become more network-savvy. Let’s take a look at some fundamentals of IP addresses, including

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How to Manage App Subscriptions on iPhone and Android

Many apps offer some kind of subscription for extra features. From media apps like Spotify and Hulu to productivity apps like Evernote and Todoist, you can unlock a lot of extra functionality for a monthly fee. However, it can be difficult to keep track of all these subscriptions. And if

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5 Ways to Get More Battery Life From Your Smartphone

Most people wish their phone’s battery life lasted longer. When you’re traveling or have a long day of work away from a charger, you need to get as much juice from your device as possible. Here are some general tips for getting more battery life out of your device, whether

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Internal IT vs. Outsourcing: Which Is Right for Your Business?

You want reliable IT systems that provide a competitive advantage for a reasonable cost. But how do you find the resources that can best achieve this? Should you hire internal IT staff, or outsource the responsibility to a third party? Let’s examine several important facets to help you decide whether

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